ADL Logistics is one of the few units licensed to provide import and export consignment services in Vietnam. With many years of experience in the field, Logistics will bring to customers and businesses the most prestigious, professional and dedicated import and export entrustment service. 

1. What is import and export entrustment? 

Import and export entrustment includes two main activities including export entrustment and import entrustment. Businesses can use either of these services or use both at the same time.

Import-export entrustment means any enterprise, organization, or legal entity hiring/cooperating with an import-export service business unit.

This business unit will act on behalf of/authorized by your business and carry out the import/export of goods as agreed. 

Thus, import entrustment (or consignment import) is when an enterprise associates/uses a 3rd company (a company specializing in import and export entrustment) as a representative to import products. goods) to the business (entrusting company).

Similarly, export entrustment (entrustment export) is a form of association / using a 3rd company (specializing in import and export entrustment) as a representative to export products (commodities). ) for enterprises going abroad (trading partners).

2. Legality of import and export entrustment service 

If an organization or individual established in the country entrusts the implementation of procedures for importing goods to another organization, the entrusted organization must satisfy the regulations on customs declarants as prescribed in Article 5. Decree 08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21, 2015 is amended and supplemented in Clause 3, Article 1 of Decree No. 59/2018/ND-CP dated April 20, 2018 of the Government. 

Customs procedures shall comply with the provisions of Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015 and Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20, 2018 of the Ministry of Finance.

3. Why do businesses need import and export entrustment services? 

There are many reasons why businesses are not directly named when carrying out import and export activities. The next most common cause is a lack of human resources, experience, not understanding the procedures, legal requirements, etc.

Specifically, the reasons for this need include: 

3.1. Individuals who are not legal entities: 

Global trade develops, along with the increasing demand for international trade and trade.

However, if you are just an individual, not a business, without legal status, you will not be able to conduct sales or enter into contracts with foreign partners. 

At this time, you will need the support of a unit specializing in providing import and export entrustment services to carry out the export or import of goods. 

3.2. Newly established companies: 

Some newly established companies may face difficulties in international trade because of confusion about procedures, tariffs, etc.

Therefore, for the first shipments, it is a safe option to cooperate with an import-export entrustment service to make samples.

3.3. New items, special items:

Some businesses have a certain understanding of international trade. However, because it is the first time exporting / importing new or special items, it is easy to face difficulties in customs clearance. 

In this case, hiring an import trustee service company is the most suitable option. Businesses that provide import-export consignment services are often more experienced and can solve problems faster.

3.4. Do not trust international suppliers:

Overseas import and export entrustment service is also a relatively strong development service. Thus, your partner can completely support your business in this activity.

However, asking a unit abroad does not seem to be as secure and safe as Vietnamese enterprises themselves. The reason is very simple because the company providing services in Vietnam will understand the law, the market and can support your business at any time.  

4. Benefits when customers use import-export entrustment service 

Using consignment services for import and export of goods, businesses and customers will save a lot of time, effort, money... Specifically, the benefits that companies provide export entrustment services. Imports can include: 

   + Customers do not need to be in the name of exporting or importing goods.

   + No problems with customs procedures, taxes, ...

   + Package service, only one time payment, no costs.

   + Buy and sell goods internationally but only through regular VAT invoices.

   + Commitment - Prestige - Responsibility - Confidentiality.

   + Reasonable entrustment costs for each type of item.

5. Import and export entrustment process 

The entrustment to export or import a certain item will be carried out as follows:

Step 1: Find a partner

If you want to import, identify reputable products and suppliers. You can follow the market, reviews or go to companies specializing in providing import and export entrustment services for the best advice.

If you want to export, you also need to find partners and customers who want to use your products. 

Step 2: Check the goods thoroughly 

This is to ensure that your item is not prohibited or illegal. 

Step 3: Conduct commercial contract 

Step 4: Choose a reputable import-export entrustment company 

Step 5: Sign the contract and carry out the necessary procedures to import/export goods

Step 6: Explain problems related to goods (if any)

Step 7: Shipping to your warehouse

ADL Logistics - Providing prestigious and professional import and export entrustment services 

ADL Logistics is one of the few units licensed to provide import and export consignment services in Vietnam. With 12 years of experience in the field, Logistics will bring to customers and businesses the most prestigious, professional and dedicated import and export entrustment service. 

Products that ADL Logistics is holding strong in import and export entrustment can be mentioned as: 

+ Cosmetics: Beauty products such as cosmetics, perfumes, etc. 

Items that require a license such as alcohol, medical equipment, cars, etc.

+ Dry food: Confectionery, milk, dried fruit, etc.

+ Functional foods: Functional food products, dietary supplements, drugs, etc.

+ Fashion: Clothing items, bags, accessories, shoes, hats... and consumer goods

+ Electronic components: Electronic products such as phones, laptops, speakers, radios, vacuum cleaners, robots....

In addition, there are many other items that need to be entrusted to import and export, which are also being supported by ADL Logistics. Customers with specific needs, please contact ADL Logistics for detailed instructions. 

Currently, the import and export entrustment at ADL Logistics is also done on a variety of channels such as sea, road, air, railway...

ADL  receives import and export entrustment in all countries around the world to ensure legally, not to violate the policies of the United Nations… 


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