ADL LOGISTICS receives insurance for all kinds of goods transported from Vietnam to all countries around the world by air, sea... and vice versa.


Goods shipped from Vietnam to countries around the world.

Goods transported from countries around the world to Vietnam.


  1. Air Cargo Insurance Rules (ICC-AIR 1982)

ADL LOGISTICS will indemnify for loss, damage occurring to the insured subject matter except for the following causes:

Air cargo insurance does not cover:

  • Loss, damage or expense attributable to the willful act of the insured.
  • Normal leakage, normal loss or reduction in volume, or normal wear and tear of the subject-matter insured.
  • Loss, damage or expense caused by inadequate or improper packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured.
  • Caused by a defect or pre-existing nature of the subject-matter insured.
  • Arising from the unfitness of the aircraft, means of transport, container or cargo for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured.
  • Loss, damage or expense directly caused by delay even if the delay is caused by an insured peril.
  • Arising from the insolvency or financial default of the owner, manager, lessee or operator of the aircraft.
  • Generated from atomic energy, nuclear, radioactive substances.
  • Loss, damage or expense caused by war, civil war, revolution, insurrection, hostilities.
  • Caused by capture, capture, restraint or seizure (unless by hijacking).
  • Due to mines, mines, drift bombs or other drifting weapons of war.
  • Loss, damage or expense caused by strikers, locked-out workers, people participating in disturbances, disturbances or riots.
  • As a result of strikes, factory bans, labor disturbances, or disorderly conduct.
  • Caused by terrorism or political motives.

2. Cargo Insurance Rules for Carriage by Sea Condition A (ICC-A 1982)

ADL LOGISTICS will compensate for losses and damages for the following risks:

2.1 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured can reasonably be attributed to:

  • Fire or explosion
  • Vessels, barges run aground, sunk or capsized
  • Land vehicle toppled or derailed
  • Vessels, barges or means of transport collide with each other or collide with any external object other than water.
  • Unloading at the port of refuge
  • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning strike
  • Bad weather
  • Aggressive, reckless action
  • Pirates
  • Special risks such as: un-delivered, under-delivered, stolen, broken, broken, wet...

2.2 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by:

  • Sacrifice common loss
  • Throw the goods off the ship or the water swept off the ship
  • Sea, lake or river water entering a ship, barge, cargo hold, means of transport, container or storage space

2.3 Total loss of any package dropped from the ship or dropped while loading or unloading

3. Rules for Cargo Insurance in Carriage Condition B (ICC-B 1982)

ADL LOGISTICS will compensate for losses and damages for the following risks:

3.1 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured can reasonably be attributed to:

  • Fire or explosion
  • Vessels, barges run aground, sunk or capsized
  • Land vehicle toppled or derailed
  • Vessels, barges or means of transport collide with each other or collide with any external object other than water.
  • Unloading at the port of refuge
  • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning strike

3.2 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by:

  • Sacrifice common loss
  • Throw the goods off the ship or the water swept off the ship
  • Sea, lake or river water entering a ship, barge, cargo hold, means of transport, container or storage space
3.3 Total loss of any package dropped from the vessel or dropped while loading or unloading from the barge.
4. Sea Cargo Insurance Rules Condition C (ICC-C 1982)
ADL LOGISTICS will compensate for losses and damages for the following risks:

4.1 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured can reasonably be attributed to:

  • Fire or explosion
  • Vessels, barges run aground, sunk or capsized
  • Land vehicle toppled or derailed
  • Vessels, barges or means of transport collide with each other or collide with any external object other than water.
  • Unloading at the port of refuge

4.2 Loss or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by:

  • Sacrifice common loss
  • Throw the goods off the ship or the water swept off the ship.


The sum insured of the goods insured must be the value of the goods declared by the insured and accepted by the ADL LOGISTICS. Normally, the insurance amount is calculated including the cost of goods (C) stated on the sales invoice (or the actual price of the goods at the place of shipment if there is no invoice) plus the cost of shipping (F) and the insurance premium ( I). The insurance amount can include the estimated interest, but this interest does not exceed 10% of the insured value

Insurance fee: Please contact for information.


Compensation records include:

- The original of the insurance contract or the Certificate of Insurance;

- The original or copy of the consignment invoice, together with a detailed list of goods and/or a weight note;

- The original of the bill of lading and/or the contract of carriage of all kinds;

- Minutes of assessment and other documents clearly stating the extent of damage;

- Receipt or delivery receipt and weight note at the place of final receipt;

- A copy of the marine report and/or a copy of the marine logbook;

- Correspondence with the carrier and other parties about their liability for loss;

- Letter of compensation;

- Other documents related to the complaint.

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